Aminah is still waiting for him to hand over to one of Sa'd family to feed his children, as has become customary peer-Arabs in Mecca.This custom is still occurring on peer-peer Mecca. At the eighth day after birth the child is sent to remote and even then just returned home to the city after it was aged eight or ten years. Among tribes, clans are known in the breast interior is among the tribe Banu Sa'd. While still waiting for people to feed the children to Thuwaiba Aminah hand, the slave girls of her uncle, Abu Lahab. For some time it was fed, like Hamza, who is also after suckling. So they are brothers milk.
Although only a few days Thuwaiba suckle, but she still maintains excellent relationships throughout life. After she died in the seventh year after he migrated to Medina , to continue the good relations that he asks about her son who was also a milk brother. But then he learned that the boy had also died before her mother.
Finally came the women's family who will suckle it Sa'd to Mecca.They are really looking for a baby who will be their milky. But they avoid orphans. Actually, they still expect something from his father's service. Being of children orphaned very little they can expect. Therefore, among them that no one would come to Muhammad. They will get a decent result when families can come to expect.
However Halimah bint Abi, initially refused Dhua'ib Muhammad, like the others, too, that do not have another baby instead. In addition, because he was a poor woman, mothers lainpun not ignore them. Once they agree to leave Mecca . Halimah said to Harith bin Abd'l-'Uzza her husband: "Do not love me back together with friends, temanku without carrying an infant. Let me go to the orphans and also I brought."
"Well," replied her husband. "Hopefully, because that God will give blessings to us."
Halimah then took Muhammad and led him away along with his friends to the interior. He told me that since he took the child he felt a blessing. Cattle and goat fat susunyapun increases. God has blessed all who have him.
During the past two years Mohammed lived in the Sahara, imperforate by Halimah and nurtured by Syaima ', his daughter.Air Sahara and the rugged outback life very quickly causes it to be large, and add a beautiful shape and body growth. After just two years and its time arrived weaned, Halimah took the boy to his mother and then took it back to the hinterland. This is done because the will of her mother, said a caption, and other information that says because the will of his own Halimah. He was taken back to a more mature, it also feared the outbreak of the attacks Mecca .
Two more years the boy lived in the Sahara , enjoy the clear air inland and free, not bound by anything the soul bond, nor by the bonding material.
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