Senin, 12 April 2010

Abd’l Muttalib Died ( History of Muhammad )

This heart breaking memories that will probably feel a little relief too little, if Abd'l Muttalib was still able to live much longer. But the old man also died, aged eighty years, while Muhammad's time was only eight years old. Once again dogged by sorrow for the death of Muhammad's grandfather, as he had experienced when his mother died. So sad he was, so he always cried while delivering casket corpse come where the last contest.
Even after he was still in its remembrance rose even after that, under the tutelage of his uncle Abu Talib and the attention he received excellent care, get protection until the time of his prophecy, which continues to do so until his uncle rose eventually dies.
Actually Abd'l-Muttalib's death was a blow to all of Hashim's family. Among his children was no one like him: to have courage, dignity, a view sharply, respectable and influential among Arabs all. He provided food and drinks for those who come on pilgrimage, to provide assistance to the inhabitants of Mecca when they get a disaster. Now there was no longer of his children who will be able to continue. Are in poor condition, unable to do that, being very tight-fisted rich life. Therefore, the Family Umaya ago to come forward will take the reins of leadership that had always wanted it, regardless of the threats that come from the Hashim Family.

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