Senin, 12 April 2010

During the Five-Years Resident in the Tribes ( History of Muhammad )

Both the Orientalists as well as some among the Muslims themselves do not feel satisfied with the story of two angels of this and consider it very weak sources. Who saw two men (angels) in the story that history writers only children less than two years old. So was Muhammad's age at the time. However, the sources agree that Muhammad lived in the midst of Family Sa'd until reaching the age of five years. Had it happened when he was two and a half years, and when it Halimah and her husband returned to his mother, surely there is a contradiction in the two sources of the story that can not be accepted. Therefore, some authors argue, that he returned with Halimah it a third time.
In this case Sir William Muir did not want to mention the story of two men dressed in white, and only mention, that when Halimah and her husband was aware of the existence of a disruption to the child, then maybe it is a crisis of tendon-nerve disorder, and if things It was not until his health is disturbing because a good body shape. Perhaps the lainpun will say: For him there will no longer need to divide the stomach or chest, because since the birth of God has been preparing to run his treatise. Dermenghem argues that this story has no basis except from a known person from the text of the verse that reads: "Did not We Relieve chest? And already we remove the burden from you? What has been overwhelm your back?" (Qur'an 94: 1-3)
What has been hinted at in the Koran that was purely spiritual sense, the meaning is clear (purified) and washing the heart that will receive the Minutes of the Holy, and then forward it seikhlas-ikhlasnya, to bear the burden because of the heavy minutes.
Thus what is required by the Orientalists and Muslim thinkers in this regard is that elves Muhammad's life is human nature and is merely a lofty humanitarianism. And to strengthen his prophetic it was not necessary he should lean towards what is usually done by those who like to a magic-like magic. Thus they reason at all reject responses Arab writers and Muslims about the Prophet lived a fairy who does not make sense it. They argue that what is proposed is not consistent with what is required by the Quran to reflect on God's creation and that God's laws there would not be changing. Not according to the expression of the Qur'an about the polytheists who did not want to explore and do not want to understand as well.
Sa'd Muhammad lived in the family until the age of five, breathe life in freedom and independence of the Saharan air off it. Of these tribes he learned to use Arabic language is pure, so that he never told his friends later: "I am the most eloquent of you. I'm from Quraish but nurtured in the midst of Family Sa'd bin Bakr."
Among five years time it has wonderful memories and remained in his soul. Similarly, capital, and Halimah where he shed his love and respect for life is.
The county that had experienced a time paceklik after marriage with Khadijah Muhammad. Whenever Halimah and visit, it is equipped with a wealth sepulangnya Khadijah camel that dimuati water and forty sheep. And all her clothes come dibentangkannya the most valuable seat mother Halimah as a sign of respect. When Syaima, daughters are under captivity with the Hawazin after Ta'if siege, was brought to him, they immediately recognize. It is respected and returned to his family according to her desire.
After five years, then Muhammad returned to his mother. It is said also, that Halimah never find when he was brought back to the place his family but did not see him. He Abd'l-Muttalib came and told him that Muhammad had been misguided path when in the upstream city of Mecca. Then Abd'l-Muttalibpun sent people looking for him, which was returned by Waraqa bin Nawfal, so half the people said.

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